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Smokey Quartz Tumble

· Grounding · Stability · Purity ·

The Smoky Quartz crystal is a grounding stone famous for its ability to help you progress from difficult or hard experiences. It guides you to a greater state of being, a place where you can let go of distant past in order that it makes you better, not bitter. Leave the past in the past and proceed toward a more golden future with the help of the Smoky Quartz crystal characteristics.
• Because of its dark colour, the Smoky Quartz crystal healing properties are suitable to eliminating negative energy or undesired energy.

• The gem cleanses and purifies your energy field and allows you to hand over the energies you must release to your crystal – whether it’s stress, tension, fear, depression, or different negative vibrations. • The focus of Smokey Quartz is energy, the gem is also incredibly apt at redirecting and balancing energies which has a stabilizing effect on those who keep it near.
This crystal is found predominantly in Brazil and Scotland, this grounding stone is typically sufficient on its own but it can be paired with virtually any other crystal if you wish to experiment with the crystals energies.


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