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Rhodonite Worry Stone

· Kindness · Growth · New Beginnings ·

Originally, this stone was only mined in one mountain range located in Russia and it was prized for its rarity. Fortunately, it has been found in a handful of other countries and since then its popularity has soared. Let us introduce you to some of the traits we associate with Rhodonite today:
• This crystal is primarily centred around balance and new beginnings. It has also been known to bring fortune into relationships to those who collect it, this is because of the loving energy exuded by the crystal. • In addition to this, the stone is great at balancing energies and emotions. It also helps people that suffer from anxiety and insomnia, this is largely in part due to the calming energy of the stone.

• Rhodonite is an incredibly comforting stone, it has been known to bring warmth and joy into the lives it enters making it ideal to place in the centre of ones home. We would recommend this stone to anyone who is aiming to bring some lightness into their lives. It works at its best when combined with other heart stones such as Rose Quartz or Emerald if you desire a more potent effect.


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