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Rainbow Moonstone Tumble

· Intuition · Personal Power · Divine Feminine ·

This iridescent gem is mined in India and Sri Lanka where the different mines produce an array of beautiful and shimmering colours. The pearly gem is a worldwide symbol of new beginnings and protection, it is also the birthstone for the month of June and is a popular gift for third anniversaries. Moonstone has an overwhelming amount of feminine energy which can be beneficial for the following reasons: • Presumed to be a gem made of pure moonlight Moonstone has always been believed to be a powerful healing stone. In particular the gem is noted to be particularly helpful with any pain associated with womanliness such as PMS, pregnancy, and child-birth.
• The formidable protective energy of the Moonstone has long since been documented, the gem has been used to protect travellers, adventurers, and most commonly by new or expecting mothers. • Moonstone has also been known to bring luck to the wearers and is commonly used by people who are looking for new inspiration or who are entering new business ventures. The use of Moonstone has been archived for centuries in a variety of different countries and cultures and continues to be a sought-after jewel today. The ancient wisdom and good fortune associated with this gem makes it one of the most well-known and prominent stones in the market today.


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