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Prehnite Generator

· Healing · Growth · Unconditional Love · 

This pale green stone forms in abundance beneath the Earth’s crust all over the world and is currently being mined on most continents. What makes it special however is that it is an incredibly slow forming stone, meaning it can be depleted quickly. Prehnite has long since been considered the ultimate stone of love and some of its abilities are as follows:
• Prehnite is heavily associated with self-acceptance. As much as it encourages us to love others it also encourages us to fully accept ourselves despite flaws and past wrongdoings. The stone’s nature is quite therapeutic as a result.
• This gem is ideal for those who are looking to forgive someone. It fills the carrier with peace and a clear mind which ultimately allows them to let go and move on from negative feelings such as resent or regret. • Prehnite has also been known to help those who feel overwhelmed or overstimulated, this is because of the stone’s ability to help us slow down and take our time approaching and solving problems. This stone is maybe less well known than other popular gems but it is a truly useful and beneficial companion to anyone interested in the soft and encouraging energy it possesses. Given the tender nature of Prehnite we would suggest combining it with another heart stone such as Rose Quartz or Garnet.


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