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Pegamatite Large Tumble

· Spiritual Insight · Peace of Mind · Communication ·

A plutonic rock found mainly in the oldest parts of the earth’s crust; pegmatites can be found all over the world and are formed when magma solidifies after cooling rapidly. They are comprised of a number of different interlocking crystals and vary depending on their constituent minerals, which can include quartz, topaz, tourmaline, aquamarine. This rock encourages positivity and safety, as well as promoting chakra health and function across the board.
• Pegmatites can draw out your potential energy and allow you to manifest your true self: enkindling previously untapped abilities and warding off feelings of inadequacy.
• This rock has been known to fuel ambition, allowing its owner to broaden their horizons and avoid stagnating in mediocrity. This stone is often used by individuals who are embarking on new endeavors.
• To complement realizing your true self and revitalizing your ambition, pegmatites can provide one with profound comfort, relieving the daily nervousness and stress that can come with seizing the day!
Pegmatites are highly spiritual rocks that are perfect for personal growth and a strengthened sense of self. The colour of pegmatites vary depending on the crystals they are comprised of, but can be a number of different and sometimes creamy shades of pinks, greys, and turquoises.


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